Funeral PLanning

Primary goal: Give users interested in pre-planning funerals a path to content that educates and informs. This in turn acts as a proof of concept to gauge consumer desire for planning information. If successful a new version of the landing page will be developed as a more wholistic resource hub for all things funeral planning.

A unique landing page was quickly spun up to host the content and provide more detail. Users are able to get to the landing page via on-ramps throughout the Legacy eco-system like traditional ad units and native placements.


When a user enters an email address, they can download a free PDF of Legacy’s Funeral Planning Checklist & Guide. Legacy will follow up via email campaign to provide related content and business opportunities, along with an option to re-download the PDF.



Testing HOUSE ADs Into the funnel

Four sets of targeted house ads were designed to test how users responded to copy and design variations.



Landing Page Design

The initial iteration of the landing page provides a simple goal: Provide users with content in exchange for their email address. This short-form page is intentionally sparse but still provides enough detail to let users know what they are getting for entering their information.



A / B Form Test

Two different landing page variations were also tested. Each with a different form type. 1) Email only and 2) Email + specific details like full name, zip code, and phone.

The single email form field was identified as a clear winner. Users were a lot more eager to give their email only. There was obvious hesitation at the longer form.

As a next step, testing combinations of the form fields will provide feedback about the value of the content vs. users’ threshold on providing more personal details.



content Development

Content for the PDF download was result of collaboration with both in-house and external industry experts. The goal was to keep things simple and practical so that readers feel comfortable engaging with such a heavy topic. See a more in-depth look at the guide here.




next Step:

A wholistic END-To-END Digital planning Experience

After testing various interactions of the current pages, work began on the next phase of concepts.

Planning Concept short page.png

The next phase explores how users can have a personalized online resource for all things funeral and end-of-life planning.

Planning Concept Flow 2.png

Stay tuned as concepts develop...